Kamis, 10 Juni 2010

Moramo waterfall

Moramo Waterfall Cape Nature Reserve is located or precisely Peropa Source Sari Village, District Moramo, WakatobiRegency, Southeast Sulawesi. The air around the waterfall was cool and serene atmosphere present. Moramo Waterfall is a multilevel waterfall (cascade) is beautiful with an altitude of about 100 meters. From these heights, the water flows through the seven main levels. In addition to the 7 main levels, there are also 60 small degree they serve as water reservoirs (such as water ponds). Of the many ponds, the only one that can be used for swimming, the pool is located on the second level of the 7 main levels of these waterfalls.

In the region is an ideal habitat for various birds, butterflies, colorful, and various other animals. Panorama of natural beauty, waterfalls, chirping birds bersahutan and chime with dancing butterflies various colors, the main attraction Moramo Waterfall area. Allure that is not less interesting than this is the charm of the waterfall rocks that make up the levels. Rocks that form the levels are not slippery even though water flowed continuously, so that the tourists who visit these locations can climb to the top.

In addition, these rocks also provide a fascinating charm when touched by sunlight. These rocks will emit colorful sparkle which is dominated by a beautiful green color. The colors also look like dancing when lulled by the gentle ripples of water waves when the sun touched the rocks at the bottom of the pond where the water stops.

Di kawasan air terjun ini, terdapat potensi kekayaan batu alam berupa marmer. Diperkirakan, kandungan marmer tersebut secara keseluruhan berkisar 860 milyar meter kubik. Marmer di kawasan ini merupakan salah satu sumber cadangan marmer terbesar di dunia.

Untuk mencapai lokasi wisata ini, dengan jarak tempuh 65 Kilometer dari Kendari, ibukota Propinsi Sultra, wisatawan melakukan perjalan darat selama dua jam menggunakan angkutan umum atau kendaraan pribadi. Perjalanan dapat pula dimulai dari Bandara Walter Monginsidi yang terletak di Kabupaten Konawe Selatan (2 jam). Dari bandara tersebut, dapat langsung menuju arah kecamatan Moramo, langsung ke desa Sumber Sari. Setelah sampai di pemberhentian akhir kendaraan, perjalanan dilanjutkan ke lokasi air terjun dengan berjalan kaki sejauh 2 Kilometer.

Di lokasi wisata ini sudah tersedia parkiran yang luas di sekitar lokasi bagi para wisatawan yang datang menggunakan mobil pribadi. Bagi para wisatawan yang ingin berenang, tersedia tempat ganti pakaian berupa kamar mandi dan WC. Sementara itu, untuk mendukung kenyamanan bagi para wisawan, disediakan tempat peristirahatan sementara berupa pondok di dalam areal air terjun itu guna melepas lelah.

Mansinam Island

Mansinam Island lies south of the bay doreri Manokwari town, with an area of 410.97 hectares, and with a Traditional or Long Boat Boat is a means of transportation used to visit this island in 10-15 minutes travel time.

Bat Cave There is an interesting, beautiful natural beaches and comfortable swimming and boating activities. Diving on the seabed around the island there are several wrecks which must be the object of attraction.
Island memories mansinam also the early history of civilization in the Land of Papua, Church Site, Houses, Hostel, The Old Wells and several Tomb Zendeling is historical evidence that can still be found here. Mansinam, which is an island located in Manokwari, West Papua witnessed the power of Almighty God, by recognizing the beauty of blue sky and sea, as the scenery without borders.

Blue sky and sea merge nanbiru without boundaries, a rare sight that what we can see while walking the street in a natural white sand beaches and awesome, also saw the villages of fishermen, and swim at the beach

Taman Ayun Temple

Taman Ayun translated as a beautiful garden. a vast pond around the temple was once used by ladies in waiting castle kingdom with a small boat. pool was also found religion difficult gw time looking for angles to capture the beauty of the temple, because it was surrounded by a fence and should not be skipped. Garden swing is located in the village of Mengwi Badung, about 18 km northwest of Denpasar (or 25 minutes if driving).

Citing a source of exposure, Pura Taman Ayun was built in the 17th century (supposedly built in 1634) by the first king of the Kingdom of Mengwi Tjokerda Sakti Blambangan with architects who came from China. Initially the temple was erected due pura2 available at that time the distance is too far away to reach by public Mengwi.

Pura Taman Ayun was built with three functions. first as the Temple penyawangan / Mengwi pengayatan so that people who want to pray to a big pura2 such as Besakih, Batukaru, and Batur enough to come to this temple. second, as a unifier of the community with some bloodlines sama2 worship in this place.